With her husband Vladimir Nasedkin she organized and curated an International Symposium in the Urals (1989), in Nepal (Kathmandu), Tibet (Lhasa, 2000), on Lake – (artists Francisco Infante-Arana and Nonna Goryunova, Alexander Evgenievich Ponomarev, Tishkov, Leonid, Shaburov, Alexander E., Porto, Ivan B., Chernyshev, Aristarchus A., Vladislav Yefimov, Batynkov, Konstantin, Baikal (2001) and in Ferapontovo (2003). As designers Tatiana Badanina and Vladimir Nasedkin worked on a pavilion for the Russian/Ukrainian Consortium AN-70 at an International Avia Show in Germany- ILA in Berlin, 2000; at The Second International Space Show in Kiev, AVIASVIT -XXI. Ukraine, 2000; at The Third China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition. Zhuhai, 2000; they also designed a number of interiors in Moscow and in Kiev.