Kirill Rave


The exhibitions of the past 11 years:

2018 - "Celestial structures" exhibition [Kulttuuritalo Virta - Finland: Imatra]
          - Laser show [Ääniwalli club - Finland: Helsinki]
          - «ARTLihoradka vol.2» with Pavel Pepperstein etc [«Squat 3/4» club - Moscow]
          - «Poesie der Grafik» exhibition [Gallery: Riemergasse 2 - Vienna]
2017 - Moscow Biennale: «Time of travel» exhibition [«Kultproekt» gallery - Moscow]
          - Plums Fest: «Random control» exhibition [«35mm» building - Moscow]
          - «Trap for stars» exhibition [«Kultproekt» gallery - Moscow]
2016 - «Искусство взаимодействия: Аудиовизуальная лаборатория» [«MARS» center - Moscow]
          - «Walking Castle» exhibition with Andrey Bartenev, AES+F etc. - Moscow
2014 - «Glitch» exhibition [«Kultproekt» gallery - Moscow]
          - «Outline» festival - Moscow
          - «Quadrans» festival - Moscow
          - «Medianovation» exhibition with Andery Lublinskiy - Moscow
          - «Russian Internet Week» exhibition - Moscow
2011 - «Faces&Laces» festival - Moscow
2010 - «Skate restructuration» exhibition - Moscow
          - «Faces&Laces» festival - Moscow
          - «Digital act» festival [«Design act» @Vinzavod - Moscow]
2009 - «Faces&Laces» festival - Moscow
          - «Стыковка» exhibition - Moscow
          - «60 details» exhibition - Moscow
2008 - «Faces&Laces» festival - Moscow
2007 - «Стыковка» exhibition - Moscow