Marina and Alexei have been working together since 1998. They are known as the authors of many different exhibitions, installations and performances. Recent exhibitions
They were nominated for Kandinsky Prize for two times.
Their works are part of the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow House of Photography, All-Russian Museum of Decorative Applied and Folk Art, Novosibirsk State Art Museum and many private collections, both in Russia and abroad.
2013 «Globotypes», Triumph Gallery. Moscow
2010 «Petroglyphs», Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2008 «Vyyti iz teni» (Coming out of the Shadow), Moscow International Photobiennale. Moscow
2007 «Magic Pictures», Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2006 «ProYavlenie», Moscow House of Photography, Project Factory. Moscow
2006 «Damy s kameyami» (Ladys with cameos), Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2005 «Na dne» (At the bottom), Art Strelka. Moscow
2004 «Osenniy Kannibalism» (Autumnal Cannibalism), Art Strelka. Moscow
2003 «Sterilization», S'Art Gallery& Moscow
Recent group exhibitions
2013 «Dreams for those who are awake», Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow
2012 «Tell me, Uncle...», Krokin Gallery. Moscow
2012 ArtBrussels
2012 «Circus», Polina Lobachevskaya Gallery. Moscow
2011 ART Moscow, Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2011 «Little Prince in Moscow», Polina Lobachevskaya Gallery. Moscow
2010 Buss Stop «School», Special project of Moscow Museum of modern Art. Moscow
2009 ART Moscow, Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2009 Exhibition of the Nominees of Kandinsky Prize. Moscow
2009 «Dormitory District», The Third Moscow Biennale of contemporary art. Moscow
2009 «Give a kerchief», All-Russian Museum of Decorative Applied and Folk Art. Moscow
2009 «Night of Museums», State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow
2008 «Aurora», PRO ARTE Institute. Saint Petersburg
2008 «Russian Dreams», Art Basel Miami
2008 Exhibition of the Nominees of Kandinsky Prize. Berlin
2008 «Art-assambleya. Vse iz dereva» (All Wooden, Art-Assembly). Izhevsk
2008 ART Moscow, Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2008 Joyce's Festival «Bloomsday», Gallery Collection. Kiev
2008 Art Brussels
2008 A charity project «Art-construction». Moscow
2007 «Eto ne eda» (It is not food), Era Foundation. Moscow
2007 Exhibition of the Nominees of Kandinsky Prize, Winzavod Contemporary Art Center. Moscow
2007 «Baroque», Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow
2007 «New Angelariy», Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow
2007 XV. Group exhibition of gallery's artists, Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2007 Afisha Picnic, Kolomenskoye. Moscow
2007 ART Moscow, Aidan Gallery. Moscow
2007 «Art-assambleya. Vse iz dereva» ( All Wooden, Art-Assembly). Izhevsk
2007 «Artist's Diary», special project of the Second Moscow Biennale. Moscow
2006 «Tinned food of Time», Gazgolder. Moscow
2006 «Cuba – my love», Zverevsky Center. Moscow
2006 «Still Life», Krokin Gallery. Moscow
2006 ART Moscow
2005 «ARTPOLE» (ARTFIELD). Moscow
2005 «Winter Factor», special project of First Moscow Biennale, Art Klyazma. Moscow
2005 «Accomplices», special project of First Moscow Biennale, State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow
2005 ART Moscow, Expert Gallery. Moscow
2005 «Iskusstvo budushchego» (Future Art), Art Klyazma. Moscow
2004 ART Moscow, Cubic Metre Gallery. Moscow
2003 «The Best», S'Art Gallery. Moscow
2003 «Bay's Conductor», Art Klayzma. Moscow
2003 «Art-constitution», Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow
2002 «Razbitye yaytsa» (Broken eggs), Art Klyazma, Moscow
2002 «Euro», Sakharov's Center. Moscow
2001 «Adaptatsyya» (Adaptation), Sakharov's Center. Moscow
2000 «Stengazeta» (Wall newspaper), Sakharov's Center. Moscow
1998 «Vertep» (Cave), Marat Gelman's Gallery. Moscow
1998 «Alphavit» (Alphabet), Dar Gallery. Moscow